Agni: Digestive fire

Agni is our digestive fire that is responsible for breaking down food matter and transforming it into nutrients to fuel the body and mind. Every disease or imbalance starts from an unbalanced agni. Maintaining a balanced agni is key to living a long, healthy, and fulfilling life. We can eat all of the "healthy" foods in the world that we want, but if our digestion is weak, nutrients will not be processed properly and we will become deficient in minerals that are key to feeling well. Ayurveda puts a great deal of emphasis on how to know when our agni is not functioning optimally and gives us the tools to correct any imbalances. The key is to bring awareness which is ultimate cultivated by maintaining a daily yoga practice.

Sama Agni: Balanced Agni

This is when the doshas are in a perfect balance and there is little to none ama (toxins) present. This represents the balanced, functional, optimal state of agni that each of us are able to obtain. Those with this type are able to digest all types of food with little difficulty and they transition between seasons fairly stable. Their elimination happens without discomfort, they maintain a comfortable weight, and their emotions are stable. They are able to not only digest foods comfortably, but they also digest experiences without struggle. They handle stressors with ease and maintain a calm, clear mind. Sama agni is optimal health and key for strong immunity and vitality.

Vishama Agni: Irregular digestion

An imbalance of air and ether (dry, mobile, cool qualities) manifest in the digestion which Vata dosha is responsible for. Common symptoms are gas, bloating, constipation, irregular bowel movements, irregular appetite, lower back pain, cracking joints, muscular pain, dry mouth, sciatica, receding gums, and insomnia. Emotionally, it tends to cause worry, fear, anxiety, and insecurity. When ama (toxins) are present, there tends to be a brownish coating on the tongue.

Tikshna Agni: Hypermetabolism

This type is from Pitta dosha where there is an imbalance of fire and water elements. Common symptoms are heartburn, hyperacidity, eliminating right after you eat something, burning sensations, inflammation, loose stools, weight loss, hot flashes, excessive thirst, and an insatiable appetite. This can cause rashes and acne on the skin and emotionally, individuals can feel angry, judgemental, aggressive, and a deep desire to always want to be in control. When this is the case, nutrition is passed through the digestion very quickly leaving the intestinal tissues undernourished and sometimes even inflamed. When ama (toxins) form on the tongue, the coating tends to be a green/yellowish tint.

Manda Agni:

An imbalance of water and earth qualities can manifest in the digestion which Kapha dosha is responsible for. Manda agni is a slow metabolism leaving a person feeling heavy with no appetite. Common symptoms are congestion, low appetite, frequent colds, overweight, slow metabolism, hyperglycemia, hypothyroid, diabetes, and obesity. These people do not get hungry much but always feel heavy even without eating. Mentally, these individuals can be lazy, unmotivated, attached, greedy, and possessive. When ama (toxins) are present on the tongue, it is a white coating.

It is possible to have an accumulation of more than one dosha out of balance in your digestion. For example, you may be experiencing an insatiable hunger with gas and bloating. This would be classified as Vishama-Tikshna Agni. Contact Carrie at to help restore agni to it’s functional health.

