is division necessary?

It’s all just a daily practice of remembering the light within each one of us.

The mind can be like a roller coaster, it has its ups and downs, its quietness, its fast paced thoughts, and it’s times of stillness. We have this Ahamkara, the ego, the I within each one of us that deciphers our interests and our likes/dislikes, gives us our opinion, and also our perspective on the environment around us. When we step into relationships with the community around us, our friends and families, we unite that ball of I with other individuals ball of I. The ego allows us to not only love harder from a false sense of attachment, but also gives us the ability to develop judgments towards one another. We tend to forget that we see only the projections of our own mind and can easily become clouded by our perception. We build walls, we become defensive, we isolate ourselves and pull away, only to release it all eventually and realize that we just went through a heavy dose of universal curriculum of burning out our stuff, our attachments. This is all done through the work of developing a relationship with another human being.

What would happen if we let down our walls? What if every time we wanted to walk away, we could just remember to turn inward a little more instead of closing the door in our relationships? Just maybe we would be able to see that what is irritating us through the presence of another individual is our problem and to lay it on somebody else is an irresponsible maneuver.

So what would happen if each time someone irritated us or didn’t meet our needs the way we wanted them to, we were able to see that as our problem and not theirs?

More useful work would be done rather than building walls and protecting ourselves. Each interaction with one another would be more heart felt and we would shift from judging to appreciating our own karmic journey as well as the others.

If we practiced yoga daily for a month in a room with every person that irritated us, I bet we would finally be able to recognize each others light. If we sat in a circle and did psychedelics with everyone that irritated us, I bet we would find that appreciation. We are attracted to practices like this because it allows us to get past our individual thinking so we can see the interrelationship and light within all.

If we don’t see the light within ourselves, it’s going to be harder to see it in another being. We recognize only what we see in ourself. Once our inner light starts shining, the mind isn’t like a roller coaster and we move into a level of presence. Presence gives us stability to move out of our thinking mind and into a place of compassion and appreciation for one another. We stop building walls and start breaking them down instead. It allows us to truly see without attaching to thoughts and past experiences. Presence gives us courage to communicate and see past the illusion of separation. Our relationships are just a mirror for us to do deep work on finding unity and staying away from dividing even further.

Why do we part ways in relationships? Why is it easier to come together in times of tragedy? Are we scared of being hurt? Is division necessary?

As I search for a black and white answer, I realize there isn’t one. I think the best we can do is to continue finding that light within ourselves so we can recognize it in all beings.

I’d love to hear your thoughts if you’re willing to share.

Love Carrie




Ayurveda + Ashtanga Yoga w/ Carrie Sobeck (Podcast)